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SBM AppScript Use Cases - 04. Subtask Time Calculation 본문


SBM AppScript Use Cases - 04. Subtask Time Calculation

미스터림 2011. 11. 22. 15:22

Subtask에 대해 처리한 시간을 취합하여 상위 WCR에 입력하는 스크립트.
Child Task의 등록시간과 종료시간의 차이를 계산하여 취합.
첨부할 Note의 이름은 Number of Hours spent on Assessment. 보여지는 시간 포맷은 hh:mm:ss.
Assessment 완료 시점에 Post-transition을 통하여 실행이 된다.

' Name: calcSubTasksTime
' Function: After the completion of all subtasks for a parent item,
'    retrieve each subtask and calculate the total amount of time
'    that it took for all subtasks to complete. This total equals the
'    summation of the open time (Close - Submit dates) for each subtask.
'    Store the results in a new Note on the parent item indicating
'    the time using the following format: hh:mm:ss (01:23:09)
' Context: Post-transition for Assessment Complete transition
' Date: 03/09/2006
' For use in the TeamTrack TeamScript course examples.

' Require all vars to be declared before use (and then declare some)
Option Explicit

' Parent Item information
Const PARENT_TABLE_ID = 1008

' Sub-task project ID, table ID, and Start and End time fields
Const PROJECT_ID = 31
Const CHILD_TABLE_ID = 1000

' Attachement type for a Note attachment
Const ATTACH_TYPE = 128

' Variables used to retreive data from the items
Dim objItem, objFlds, objFld, strSubtaskIds

' Get the current item
Set objItem = Shell.Item

' Read the comma separated unique id list of subtask items
Set objFlds = objItem.Fields()
Set objFld = objFlds.FindField(SUBTASK_FLD)
objFld.GetValue strSubtaskIds

' Parse the list of sub-task items so we can look them up individually
Dim nStart, nEnd, nLength, objSub, nSum, nId, nStartFld, nEndFld
' Set variables needed to parse the parent's list of child subtasks (multi-relational field value)
nLength = Len(strSubtaskIds)
nStart = 2
nEnd = nStart
' Create the object to hold a Child subtask item
Set objSub = Ext.CreateVarRecord(CHILD_TABLE_ID)
' Loop through the Parent's list of subtasks and process each child
do while nStart <= nLength
  ' The child record IDs reside between pairs of commas
  nEnd = InStr(nStart,strSubtaskIds, ",")
  nId = Mid(strSubtaskIds,nStart, nEnd - nStart)
  Call Ext.LogInfoMsg("Id: "&nId)
  ' Retrieve the child item and calculate the time the item was open
  call objSub.Read(nId)
  call objSub.GetFieldValue(START_FLD,nStartFld)
  call objSub.GetFieldValue(END_FLD,nEndFld)
  nSum = nSum + (nEndFld - nStartFld)
  ' Position for the next child ID
  nStart = nEnd + 1

' Calculate the Hours:Minutes:Seconds
Dim nHours, nMinutes, nSeconds, strTotalTime
nHours = Int(nSum / 3600)
nSum = nSum - (nHours * 3600)
nMinutes = Int(nSum / 60)
nSeconds = nSum - (nMinutes * 60)
' Format the Hours:Minutes:Seconds
strTotalTime = ""
If nHours < 10 Then
  strTotalTime = strTotalTime&"0"&nHours
  strTotalTime = strTotalTime&nHours
End If
If nMinutes < 10 Then
  strTotalTime = strTotalTime&":0"&nMinutes
  strTotalTime = strTotalTime&":"&nMinutes
End If
If nSeconds < 10 Then
  strTotalTime = strTotalTime&":0"&nSeconds
  strTotalTime = strTotalTime&":"&nSeconds
End If

Dim objAttachment
Set objAttachment = Ext.CreateAppRecord(Ext.TableId("TS_ATTACHMENTS"))
' The attachment record has a lot of fields to fill in
nId= objItem.GetId()
call objAttachment.SetFieldValue("CASEID", nId)
nId = Shell.User.GetId()
call objAttachment.SetFieldValue("AUTHORID",nId)
call objAttachment.SetFieldValue("TIME", Ext.DateToDBLong(now))
call objAttachment.SetFieldValue("TYPE",ATTACH_TYPE)
call objAttachment.SetFieldValue("TITLE","Number of Hours spent on Assessment")
call objAttachment.SetFieldValue("CONTENTS", "Total Hours = "&strTotalTime)
call objAttachment.SetFieldValue("SRCTABLEID",PARENT_TABLE_ID)

' Add the new Note record
Call objAttachment.Add()
